Breanne Kisselstein

Scientific Researcher | Disability & DEI Advocate

Photo of smiling fair-skinned brunette woman
Breanne Kisselstein
Service dog wearing lab coat and goggles
Barney, the black lab lab tech
A powdery mildew infected grape cluster under the microscope at a low magnification. This cluster is young with small green berries. A couple are completely coated in white powdery, and one on top is relatively clean with some powdery mildew on the bottom near one of the infected berries.
Powdery mildew infected grape berries

Breanne Kisselstein is a new ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow with the USDA-ARS Neyhart Lab researching cranberry pre-breeding and genetics. Breanne has scientific expertise in grape pathology, molecular and population genetics, and more. She loves coding in R and is interested in gaining even more proficiency in computational biology, high-throughput phenotyping, and statistics.

Breanne is also a passionate advocate for equity and inclusion of marginalized and historically excluded individuals in higher education and STEM, including but not limited to disabled, BIPOC, international, and LGBTQIA2S+ individuals.